Here we go again

Anyone tired of seeing the purple dragon yet?  Does that sound like some drink that you will travel the wastelands before taking?  Like the spice in Dune?  "Gorick and Ted traveled for 40 days to have a tall glass of the Purple Dragon.  It is said that he who can finish the cup and spill no drops will see the Purple Dragon and be granted an audience.  If she takes favor on you, you will be given a boom"  Okay, so I have digressed a bit there.  I will show you the purple dragon last so you can see.....  The Undead Minotaur!  

This guy is one of the bad guys from Zombicide Black Plague -- and as a friend says "really no fun to fight".  Still I love this sculpt and I have mixed emotions seeing it on the game board.  The first is "that is a cool mini" which is followed quickly by "Well shi#$#@...  We are dead"

Next here is purple dragon.  Drink deep the gathering gloom.....

Still work to do blah blah blah....




More Dragon Work here....